
Libertad para Luis Manuel (2024)

Exhibition: "Cuba Dispersa (Cuba Dispersed)" Cranbrook Art Museum

Exposing Virgilio (a Carnivalism marginalia project) (2023)

Exhibition: AIM Biennial 2023-24

Carnivalism Station (A marginalia project) (2023)

Exhibition: ALIBI Belvedere 21 Museum, Vienna Austria - from October to December 2023

Re-Design of Classic Cuban Posters. Documenta Fifteen (2022)

Exhibition: Operative factography at Documenta Fifteen

Clothing for movable structure (2022)

Exhibition: Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne 2022

#NoALaBienalDeLaHabana (2021)

Exhibition to boycott the XIV Havana Biennial

TurnOver project (2020)

Exhibition: Project for the AIMBiennial, Miami 2020

marginalia en Factoría Habana (2019)

Exhibition: Conexiones. Factoría Habana. Havana, Oct-January 10th, 2020

marginalia, 2da Bienal de Diseño de La Habana (2019)

Exhibition: Más allá de la forma.. Fundación Ludwig de Cuba. Havana, May-June 2019

marginalia en la #00Bienal (2018)

Exhibition: INSTAR. Project Signos36. Havana 2018

1ra Bienal de Diseño de La Habana (2016)

Exhibition: Collage Habana. From 14 May / 2016 to 14 June / 2016.

performance: The Emerald House (2014)

The Emerald House. Collaboration with the Artists: Ferran Martin, Priscilla Marrero and Matthew Taylor.

Wardrobe No. 1/ project X/ Method no.1 (2013)

Exhibition: D' disegno. Respuesta Cubana. Factoría Habana. Havana, Sept-Dec 2013.

performance: Aquarius Juice (2012)

Collaboration with the performers, Priscilla Marrero and Carlota Pradera. Clothing design.

Spiral project (2011)

Spiral project is a design process to find ways of do not control the final form.

Blouses painted (2004)

Collection of second-hand blouses hand painted with white vinyl.

Video (sin título): 10 sayas populares y 14 tops (2004)

Video of the collection of pop skirts project and the collection of 14 tops using pairs of second-hand shirts.