Exposing Virgilio (a Carnivalism marginalia project) (2023)
Exhibition: AIM Biennial 2023-24
Carnivalism Station (A marginalia project) (2023)
Exhibition: ALIBI Belvedere 21 Museum, Vienna Austria - from October to December 2023
Clothing for movable structure (2022)
Exhibition: Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne 2022
TurnOver project (2020)
Exhibition: Project for the AIMBiennial, Miami 2020
marginalia en Factoría Habana (2019)
Exhibition: Conexiones. Factoría Habana. Havana, Oct-January 10th, 2020
marginalia, 2da Bienal de Diseño de La Habana (2019)
Exhibition: Más allá de la forma.. Fundación Ludwig de Cuba. Havana, May-June 2019
marginalia in La Marca (July 2018)
marginalia products for sale in La Marca, Havana
marginalia en La Marca (2017)
Launching of the project marginalia in La Marca space. April, 2017.
1ra Bienal de Diseño de La Habana (2016)
Exhibition: Collage Habana. From 14 May / 2016 to 14 June / 2016.
Method No.2 of project X (2014)
Method No. 2 of project X consists of joining two parts of two different garments. Método No.2: Consiste en unir 2 partes de
The Economics and Creativity of the Second-Hand Dress. (2014)
Conversation recorded with Léopold Lambert in Miami on April 4, 2014, about project X.
Wardrobe No. 1/ project X/ Method no.1 (2013)
Exhibition: D' disegno. Respuesta Cubana. Factoría Habana. Havana, Sept-Dec 2013.
Method No.1 of project X (2013)
Method No.1 Garments: Black dresses. Cut vertically and join different dresses.
Blouses painted (2004)
Collection of second-hand blouses hand painted with white vinyl.
Popular skirts project (2004)
Pop skirts project. Collection of 10 skirts, made with low-cost popular materials.
Video (sin título): 10 sayas populares y 14 tops (2004)
Video of the collection of pop skirts project and the collection of 14 tops using pairs of second-hand shirts.
14 tops with 28 shirts (2004)
Collection of 14 tops using pairs of second-hand shirts.